Pledgeball’s 2022 Wrapped!

Happy New Year from all of us at Pledgeball! As 2023 begins in a whirlwind we are taking this opportunity to do a wrap up of 2022 before we launch into 2023. But firstly we’d like to take a minute to thank you to all of you for your involvement with Pledgeball this year, we […]
Adopting three climate-friendly habits over the World Cup gives UK fans the power to reduce carbon pollution equivalent to taking nearly half of Leeds’ cars off the road

Fans could save 900 million kg CO2e by taking shorter showers, eating more veggies and turning down the thermostat by 1 degree for the length of the FIFA World Cup. Maintaining these habits for a year could reduce fans’ household bills by £728. Data unveiled marks the countdown to Green Football Weekend, when clubs, fans […]
Euro 2022 League

Pledgeball have launched the Euros Pledgeball League campaign to rally fans to show support for their teams by joining the movement to #protectwhereweplay during the Women’s European Championship. Through Pledgeball fans make pro-environmental pledges for their national team to see which country can win not just on the pitch but off it as well. The […]
Bristol City FC clinch the title!

With a dominant performance throughout the season, the Robins have stormed the Pledgeball League surpassing clubs such as Manchester Utd, Leicester, Burnley and Huddersfield to come away with the Pledgeball League Winners 21/22 title, pledging to save a massive 345,421kg of CO₂e per year! This is the equivalent of taking 74 cars off the road. […]
Press release: The Inaugural F4C Conference

The first Football4Climate conference gathered football & environment practitioners and advocated for closer cooperation. For full story, see below.
The FSA partner with Pledgeball

The Football Supporters’ Association take action to tackle climate change by partnering with Pledgeball, a research-driven organisation that rallies football fans to bring about change to help to preserve our planet. Each match day, whilst teams compete on the pitch, fans compete off the pitch by making sustainable lifestyle pledges to support their team: the […]

PLEDGEBALL PARTNERS WITH RESEARCHERS AND CLIMATE ENGAGEMENT EXPERTS CLIMATE OUTREACH, TO MOBILISE THE FOOTBALL COMMUNITY TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE We are absolutely delighted to formally announce our partnership with climate engagement experts Climate Outreach. Climate Outreach have selected Pledgeball to be their latest Innovation Partner as part of their Climate Engagement Lab. Pledgeball will be […]
Bristol City Prize Draw


FANS SUPPORT THE WOMEN’S GREAT BRITAIN FOOTBALL TEAM WITH SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE PLEDGES Pledgeball are running a campaign encouraging fans of Great Britain’s football team to make sustainable lifestyle pledges in support of the women’s football team in the Tokyo summer games. Pledgeball is an organisation that encourages fans to make lifestyle changes together as groups […]