
Pledgeball events allow anyone (not just football fans) to create change within their communities. An event can be anything from book clubs to grassroots tournaments, pub quizzes to competitions at work.

However big or small your event is, it will make a difference.

Make a difference

Daily, weekly, monthly and annually, millions of us gather together for the love of our sport, for the endless deuces, the great shots, the poor shots and the simply disastrous, to congratulate, to commiserate and to share conversations. Together, as the tennis community we can drive change to protect the sport that we love and the conditions we need to play it. This summer, we invite you, the fans and players, to join us in driving this change; making a pledge as a member of your tennis venue is one way you can participate. However big or small your actions, it will make a difference.

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What is a Pledge event?

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How does it work?

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